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Yang Family Hawaiian Vacation

Bald eagles watching on Colorado River in Texas. (12/28/2019)

我輕輕的招手,作別西天的雲彩 。 ⋯ 我揮一揮衣袖,不帶走一片雲彩。" 𧫴以徐志摩的《再別康橋》致我敬愛的家玲:一個陽光、敬業、豁達、雋永的朋友。 行筆至此,我依稀看到一抹如花的笑靨,在她的嘴角輕輕的盪開來。這是我心中永恆的印記! https://youtu.be/k2VefbQgk2I
Read More about Bald eagles watching on Colorado River in Texas. (12/28/2019)

5 ban reunion

Middle school classmates reunion at different times. All beauties.
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Happy New Year

Celebrate a good life
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Ling ang Ling

Pot Luck Crew

Good food, better stories and wonderful friendship over the years
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